September 26- Oct. 5

Surf Face, Surf Hair, Don’t Care!

It’s the last week in September, which means we only have so many more weeks to catch the surf. Sometimes you spend all day waiting for the perfect ride and only catch one good wave. Sometimes you get up on every one, only to find the wave doesn’t have the power you need and you sink. Sometimes the waves are just so angry, you get wrecked over and over and call it a day. And then a perfect day comes along and the universe is aligned with the moon and the tide and the swells and all things work together for your good and you catch the green and ride it all the way in. I think the kids are still working toward that perfect day… but they sure are trying and are not giving up. Aren’t we all waiting for the perfect day. Have you had one? They seem to be few and perhaps feel out of reach, like only a dream. But just like the ocean, there is a high tide, and a low tide, and everything in between. There are perfect waves out there… I hope you catch one today.

Today I walked from our place in Playa Hermosa along the beach, all the way to Jaco. I’m not sure how far it really is, but it took me a couple hours because of all the rocks. Plus I stopped often to take in the view, watch the waves crash, and explore the tide pools.

Quote of the day from a tree…Ocean is Life. (El Oceano es Vida)

How is Travis ever going to give up this office, ocean view?

I know what you’ve been thinking… where are all the sunsets lately? Don’t worry, I got you! Travis and I ran down to the beach just in time to catch this beauty.

Speaking of Sunsets!!!! We were driving to the airport to pick up M&M and this is the what the sky looked like when the sun set and threw the colors back into the sky in the opposite direction.

As a tourist, you are required to leave Costa Rica every 90 days. These two cuties took a quick weekender to Panama City, Panama and loved it!
Panama City at night.

Professor Kymble is still winning the hearts of all the 4th and 5th grade girls! I don’t really blame them though… he is pretty great! One little girl in particular was having a hard time letting him go, as his volunteer time comes to a close. Her mother asked him if he would be available to meet for a good-bye lemonade. Kymble’s “first date” after the mission with Sophia (and her mom of coarse!)

Kenn and her Pre-K ninos! They all adore her! She has even been spotted on the street by one of them and she ran up to her…”TEACHER, TEACHER!!!” It was the cutest thing ever!

Costa Rica Independence Day Celebration at the school!