Sept. 12-25

We are starting off this blog post with a wedding and ending with a birthday!!! It’s been a great couple weeks with this crew of mine. Love making memories with these people, especially getting to celebrate M&M’s first anniversary!

Marshall surprised Micah with a beach wedding 2.0! He was super excited to ask Micah to marry him again… “this year, and every year to come. I will marry you over and over again, forever!” Kennahdy was the videographer. I was photographer/florist, and Travis walked her down the beach and then flew the drone to capture the big moment. It was super sweet and so much fun!

These pictures are from their IG posts! The “preacher” who “married” them sure is cute. Haha!!! Kymble wasn’t there for the real big day, so what better way to involve him than asking him to marry them again! “I now pronounce you esposo y esposa… pura vida!”

PS… She said YES!!!!…again:)

The kids are bound and determined to become Pro Surfers, no matter the cost! They are used to sacrificing their body for the ball, so it’s no surprise that they are sacrifice the body for the prefect wave and getting destroyed by the board in the mean time. The ocean is powerful and relentless and can bite back pretty hard when you least expect it! They are getting pretty good though so I would say these battle wounds are just the beginning.

Kymble met lots of people from all over South America. He learned to love all sorts of food…from Peruvian to Columbian Papas rellanas.

A potato, meat, and onion mixture, stuffed with egg and cheese and then fried! Yummmmm!!!!

Mid week Travis and I took off to Newport Beach, CA for a Johnson Adult Reunion. It started off with an 8 hour delay in the SJO airport, but we finally made it and had a great time with his parents and two brothers and their wives.

Please ignore my blood-shot eyes and airport hair…and don’t get me started on wearing a mask for an entire day, except between bites and sips!
Rachel and Todd * Travis and I * Mom and Dad J * Troy and Jeanine

We got to go to the beautiful Newport Temple and do sealings as a family. We hadn’t been to a temple in over a year (since the M&M wedding #1) because of Covid, so it was great to be together there again.

These three brothers had a lot of catching up to do.

If you know Travis at all, you know that he LOVES ice cream. This is a true Johnson trait as we enjoyed some amazing gelato along the coast.

Thanks to mom and dad J for getting us all together. We spent lots of time just catching up and enjoying one another’s company. I am so grateful to belong to such a wonderful family! Pura Vida!

While we were gone, Kymble was busy doing what he does best! This is Joel. The sister missionaries in our area have been teaching him for many months. It was hard for them to really connect because of distance (the sisters live almost an hour away) and his job schedule, so of coarse KJ helped to fill in the gaps and become his friend. Because Joel lives close to us, Kymble was able to meet with him, help teach and answer questions over lunch, and then picked him up and drove him to the church in Orotina to help the sisters with his baptism. We were able to watch Kymble baptize Joel over zoom… it was like he was back on the mission, except Kennahdy was there too!

Of coarse when the parents are away, the children play! The kids had a great week, I am sure, without any parents around! Kymble had a friend from back home come to visit him, and together they all had a great time…NO PARENTS ALLOWED!!! (Except we did leave them the car and the CR money, so they need us more than they think they do! 😉

Our view of the sunsets in Playa Hermosa aren’t quite the same as in Guanacaste, unless you are down at the beach. But this night was especially beautiful as the sun cast a blue hue across the sky and land. It was a color that was almost unnatural, yet amazing all in one. As we stood out on the balcony covered in this cool blue tone, I was reminded of the beauty that God grants us every day. Sometimes it is hard to see or recognize in our busy lives. Most often it is not as amazing and all encompassing as this sight was, but it is there nevertheless, we just need to find it.

Somebody turned 19! Happy Birthday Kennahdy! This girl is worth celebrating every day of the year, but today we sang praises (ok…we sang happy birthday like 20 times!) to this amazing, wonderful human that just happens to be the icing on this familys’ cake! And it’s ok that I say that because everyone would agree with me! Kennahdy was a miracle from day one and is a constant reminder of all that is good and kind. She is a true friend, a fearless leader, and is beautiful through and through. She is strong and talented and her life has only just begun, as great things lie ahead of her and her future is bright like this sunset. Love you baby girl. So lucky to be your mom.

The “Birthday Fairy” happen to find Kenn in CR and leave all her favorite snacks from the US!

Family tradition to pop the balloons and see what the b-day fairy brings this year!?!?!?!?!?!

That is a pretty big knife!

Watch out…that is one serious face coming from such a sweet person…this better be worth it?!?!?!?

This is my tribe!

For Kenn’s Birthday we made the trek to Monte Verde and discovered a new area of CR in the Cloud Forest via ziplines and suspended bridges. It was breathtaking in more ways than one!

Not a bad way to celebrate your Birthday!!!

The Sky walk had 10 different bridges, suspended through the tree tops, overlooking the beautiful green mountains, and yes…you are as high up as the clouds. It’s pretty incredible.

We zip lined right through these clouds. Talk about feeling on top of the world, or free as a bird, or just for a moment all your flying dreams came true.

The zip line coarse was a set of 12 zip line towers, and a Tarzan Swing that was unlike anything we have ever done! Jump off and Fly!!!

Look at me! I heard my kids say from the ground…”This is the coolest thing I have ever seen mom do.” I need to be more brave I guess.

Here goes Kennahdy for a birthday swing! Everyone that was there sang to her while she was flying in the sky!

Look at how beautiful these mountains are. We just kept driving and stopping and stopping…we felt like we had a birds eye view of this amazing part of CR.

There is something about a pair of wings in the Latin culture. You can find them painted everywhere! I toggle between the ideas of my mom brain, “Yes… you have wings to fly! You can do anything!” and my own brain saying, “Yes… have an so glad I have an angel watching over me.” (LOVE YOU MARY!)

As you might have guessed by now, I am a huge sucker for all the street art/signs that paint the towns here in CR. I love that they stay true to their culture and to the wonderful tradition of color. It is bright and happy and I am a fan for life!

Even the ride home was proof that it was a special day! The sky lit up as if to say, “Happy Birthday Kennahdy…You are Loved!”

Birthday dinner at the Taco Bar at Jaco Walk!