October 6-16

And we are off! Our 90 day exodus back to C-ville Utah. Time to see family and friends… it’s been over 2 years since Kymble has seen some of them. These two are both excited to catch up with friends and be with someone else besides mom and dad:)

I am not one to miss a good sunset, no matter where I am!

Walking the streets of Ford Canyon Crossing. The colors are beautiful.
Kymble gave his official mission homecoming talk on October 10. So many mission friends came to support him from both Santiago and Arcadia Missions. Friends for life!
Speaking of friends for life… This group of humans…it’s hard to really explain the bond Kymble’s graduating class had. So many great friends who all love and support each other. It’s amazing actually, and rare I think to have such a large, tight-knit group of friends. And this is only some of them! It was amazing to see their faces again… seriously such a cool crew!

Kenn surprised a bestie at her college soccer game! Don’t these pictures say it all!

Cousins make the best friends. Super pumped to see the Lady Vikes play in State Playoffs. Kate is out with an injury, but these guys are super tight and their love runs deep no matter what!

From Lady Vikes to SBO pals, this girl was in heaven catching up with everyone that has been missing her!

Had to go and watch this stunning trio perform at the VHS Football half-time! They are amazing dancers and even more amazing nieces. TESS- SARAH- MEG… did I mention that cousins are the best!

Thank goodness for this Thrilling tradition! Thanks to Aunt Miriam for getting tickets to watch Thriller at Kingsbury Hall. Can you adopt cousins to be little sisters?

Had to stop by MY PIE! We were all so excited to stop in at our favorite pizzeria and see our favorite My Pie employees. The food was amazing and the place was running in tip-top shape! Super proud of the friends we made there and the memories of being pizza people as a family.

Stopping by to see family and friends, and friends that seem like family. We missed everyone so much… the snow… not so much.

Meanwhile, back in CR, Micah’s parents and sister came for a visit! M&M were able to take them to a few of our favorite places, and show them what it’s like to live in Costa Rica.

Marshall doesn’t go far without his drone. I am grateful for all the incredible views he has been able to capture to help preserve our memories here.

That my friends, is the perfect picture of a sloth. Just hanging out, being cute, fuzzy, and lazy, and even smiling for the camera! Nice shot M&M!!!!