October 17-23

There are so many little beach towns around every bend. If you were to just walk along the coast you would see how amazing and how different one beach is to another. This particular beach, Playa Herradura, is a resort style beach. The Los Suenos Marriott Ocean and Golf Resort is nestled in this bay which keeps it quiet and less crowded.

This beautiful walkway through the resort was so fun to explore. I wish I could grow this so naturally and easily as it is in CR. Although, I am sure the job of trimming this is no small feat!

This path went forever! Kind of felt a little like a fairy tale… either that or a scary movie in a maze that you couldn’t find your way out of.

These two are so fun to be with. So fun to watch…and it makes me so excited to see them continue to grow and learn. I hope they always stay best buds!

There were many nice boats docked at this bay and fun little shops and restaurants along this coastline. Such a great afternoon exploring this quiet little spot of the earth.

So I never want to forget what the walk was like down to the beach. I will always be grateful for the time and space I was given to be able to just walk down a little path and be at the edge of the earth. To look out into the ocean and listen to waves and be able to take in what life has to teach me right now. Throughout the months here, I have come to learn more and more about my “WHY” on this grand adventure. WHY am I here, and what can I learn from being in CR???

I have loved the chance to be a mom to my kids a little longer. I will be forever grateful for the memories we have made here and the conversations about life, both in the past, present and of the future. But I am also grateful for the small moments of solidarity that I have felt peace. A feeling that I think God wants me to keep in my heart and tuck it away for the moments to come that bring challenge and uncertainty. Life is meant to be an adventure and this is only one of the many adventures to come. Many, I am sure, that will be hard and uncomfortable. That’s when I reach into my CR bucket and pull out a nugget of peace that I have gained by being here.

Just a few of the beautiful flowers that grow along side these beach paths and everywhere! It is so amazing to me and I love that every part of the world has it’s own natural beauty to offer.

Another thing that I have loved is the treasures you can find another the beach. We have an ever-growing shell collection, but almost even more amazing is the rock collection that we have started. I have never seen so many beautiful and vibrant colors of rocks. Some so smooth and polished naturally. Others rough and pitted with speckled colors, making some of these rocks look like old fashion rock candy. I need to find a way to display these gems somehow. They are so beautiful and have a story to tell.

Welcome to Punta Arenas! A port town on Costa Rica’s Gulf of Nicoya. You can see from the map and this shot from Marshall’s drone how quaint and charming this little town is. It has some tourist attractions, along with ferry boats bringing people over from Guanacaste. The beach isn’t any thing to die over, but that did not stop families from coming out to enjoy a Saturday afternoon together on the shore. I love this about the people here. They are fearless in their devotion to family and to a culture of kindness and peace. Pura Vida. It is a very real and internalized concept here and I really do love it! It is refreshing, simple, and yet all encompassing.

Any coast town is made better with a light house. This is the first one I have seen here in CR. It’s striped, and bright and perfect.

These “Umbrella” trees are all over CR. They are my absolute favorite!!! This one was huge…big enough to cover a few cars and sidewalk shops.
Colorful park benches and tables and tree trunks!

I am convinced that maybe these people are so happy because their world is so colorful! I love that Costa Ricans are not afraid to full send a bucket of bright colors to paint their town! So many wonderful colors! This little house was very typical as to where the people in this little town live. Bars around windows and sometimes around the whole house. Front porches with chairs to sit in and side tables with newspapers and books to read. A fan plugged in nearby and usually a cat or dog sitting at the feet of someone offering a simple Hola, or Pura Vida to people walking by.

We came across this little park with fun gym-like structures perfect for these 3 studs to get in a little work out for the day. I love how when 2 or more boys get together, everything becomes a competition! At least that’s how it is with this crew. Travis may be outnumbered and frankly, it’s just a fact that his boys are structurally bigger than him. But, I am happy to report that he can still do more pull-ups!

I want to live in a world that it is ok to paint your wall purple and yellow and it turns out as beautiful as this!

Or better yet, you can paint a story on the park wall and it’s perfectly acceptable and welcomed!

Just another corner fruit stand and a Soda. Classic CR!

These perfectly painted metal doors are the entrance to a soccer stadium in the middle of this small town. Of coarse, my crew would have loved to have gone in and checked it out, but it was locked. We did spy a worker, cutting the grass, perhaps getting the field ready for the big game??? Put me in coach!

If there is a “Panaderia” (Bread shop/Bakery) in sight, chances are, Travis will stop and check it out. Pictured here with his “Galleta Grande” (Big Cookie) we are all suckers for a good piece of pan. The little sno-cone shops and food stands lining the beach of the peninsula… well….not so much. Not sure if I mentioned in a previous post, but we all got sick after a failed side walk sno-cone. I am convinced the shaved ice was made from not so good water, thus resulting in sick stomachs and frequent trips to the bathroom. No more sno-cones for us.

Ended the week at Ridiculous Burgers. Famous for the biggest, hottest, tallest, you name it- they got it burger and drinks! They have different challenges and rewards and they all come with a $$$$ price. They had some burgers priced up to $600… stuffed with caviar ?!? This monster challenge ($30) was tempting for Marshall and Kymble. They weren’t going to do the challenge, but thought it would be fun to split it and see if the two of them could finish it. It’s only 2 hamburgers a piece! They decided not to and were actually glad, as the one burger and fries was quite enough!