November 1-6

Travis loves to get off work a little early and catch a late afternoon surf with his girl….and by girl, I mean Kenn! She is a much better surfer than I plus, I like to watch them and take pics a little more than I like being pelted by the waves. The ocean is an amazing thing. I have much respect for its power, beauty, ability, and effect it has had on me. Surfs up Everyone!!!

You surf until the sun goes down, and then a little longer. The reflection on the water gives you a few more minutes and really, you just feel amazing sitting on your surf board at sunset and hope that some Hollywood film star is secretly filming you. P.S. Have I told you lately how much I love the sunsets here in CR?

Explored a new beach today, Playa Esterillos. It was beautiful of coarse and had some fun new sites that caught my eye.


Cute little fishing boats lined the shore. Fisherman actively out looking for their catch of the day to feed their family.

Not really sure how much meat you can actually get out of this fish, but it sure where pretty and the fisherman seemed delighted with his catch and was so friendly.


Looks like high tide got the best of these palm trees… or it could have been a combination of that and all the rain. The ground was so saturated that it just broke off of the shore line and drifted toward see. I wonder if they float? The roots were so interesting and just the whole concept was fascinating.

They are a beautiful couple!

Always smiling!


We noticed something out in the water, a ways off shore. It was high tide, so perhaps at low tide it is actually something that you can wade out to. Nevertheless, it looks somewhat like a statue of some sort, perhaps a mermaid, or a prominent town figure, a person of history??? We are not certain, so we will leave it up to the imagination.

Took another look at the ruins tonight. It is one of our favorite spots in Jaco. So beautiful… with an artsy, run-down, graffiti- inspired vibe, yet amazing all at the same time. Especially this gem…

Yep, our girl Micah has done it again. Let’s just talk a minute about her talent! Mind-blowing, right, and with like 2 brushes and 5 colors of paint…say what! We all wanted to leave our mark at the ruins so everyone would know that “THE JOHNSONS WERE HERE!” But if we had to pick a winner, the award goes to Micah and her amazing stamp she left on Costa Rica for tourists from everywhere to see!

If you know Travis at all, you know that he does many things very well. Did you know that bubble letters and a cartoon drawing of a surfboard/ palm tree is one of them? Yep. He also does a pretty good cartoon dog, but after almost being attacked and devoured by 4 dogs on a morning run, he opted out of painting the dog, and actually may never paint one again. That’s how traumatic it was…ask him about the size of his bruise next time you see him:)

This just about sums up my girl to a tee! My sunset-loving, beach-going, surfer girl. Boy does she love the Beach!!!

Kymble is one of the most witty human I know. He has a sense of humor that I adore, and the facial expressions to back it up! Leaving his mark on CR with a picture of a fish? (PEZ?)…or is it a surf board on top of an empanada? HMMMMMM …no one really knows? (Although his new found love of surfing and his side hustle selling empanadas on the street would make more sense?!) SO FUNNY!

Well, this is my memory left in CR. It’s very impressionistic…(or just didn’t really have a good brush to use!) If you remember, Travis and I went on our first date in CR to dinner on the beach and then went for a hike to a cute little beach that by the time we got there, it was dark. We built a fire and went swimming in the ocean anyway, so if you squint a little, you might make out what is suppose to two heads bobbing in the ocean. Couldn’t leave without the TLA sign which every since we were dating has been our “thing”. Remember back in the day… we couldn’t text our friends, we had to write them notes. Notes that were then folded and passed in class or left in lockers with our own abbreviations (LOL) TLA as it is pictured here was one of them that was adorned the notes to boyfriends and girlfriends everywhere. T-rue L-ove A-lways. Little did I know that what it really means is T-ravis L-oves A-licia… that is true love always!!!

Found our friend Joel at the bottom of the hiking trail. (He helps the people that park at the base of the trail, park their cars in and out.) We are so grateful that we were able to meet him and become friends with such a genuine, God-loving person. We hope this is not the end of our families relationship with him and somehow we can stay connected in his life.

Remember the Ridiculous Burger restaurant we went to a couple weeks ago? Remember that challenge the boys saw and couldn’t stop talking about. Well, here we are again, and here is the stack of burgers that have haunted their dreams and now the challenge is on! Although the real challenge is only for one person (Impossible by the way, as no one has been able to finish it) But the boys were sure that if they split the challenge it might be a possibility! Can they do it? Take a look and see…

Can they do it? Burger #1 and 2???

I will let these pictures speak for themselves to help you decide if you think they finished the challenge?