July 25-31

The missionaries baptized this beautiful lady named Susan today. Susan is deaf, so the Elders have been teaching her with an App that allows them or whomever is talking to speak into one phone, which is synced to her phone and it translates what they are saying. They were able to teach here and bring her to church and she was able to understand and learn about the Gospel. I tried to sign to her my congratulations, hoping that sign language was universal… only to find out that ASL and Spanish Sign Language are different. She understood a little of what I was saying, but finally signed back the words, “a little the same…a lot different.” GOT IT! After church we met at a members home and she was baptized in their pool. It was such a special moment to see her come out of the water and be very emotional about how she was feeling. She bore her simple testimony, and even though I couldn’t understand the words, you kind of didn’t really need to. The spirit spoke to all of us enough for us to know that she was happy to be a follower of Christ.

We had the missionaries over for dinner. It was Elder Reese’s birthday, so since his own momma couldn’t spoil him, this mission momma did. Am I the only one that is drawn to missionaries in hopes that some other momma is doing the same to theirs? It was really fun hear their mission stories, and get to know the people in this area and the needs that exist. They are working so hard and I am just so proud of all these young people that are trying to spread the love of Christ throughout the world. Elder Ozorio said that the sunset tonight was God’s gift to him nad his gift to Elder Reese.

Can you tell that we are obsessed with sunsets here?! They happen really fast and change colors right before your eyes. The sky will be yellow and gray and then turn all shades of orange and red and fade into pinks and purples and blues. And then, just like that, it is dark. We have learned that whatever you are doing, cooking dinner, at the beach, or still working, pause for a few minutes and watch the sunset. It is always worth it and always stunning.

The fruit here not only tastes great, but is so bright and colorful!
Holy AVOCADO!!! These big avocados are in season right now so naturally we had to try them while we can. Firmer and sweeter than the smaller ones. Big thumbs up!

Oranges aren’t really orange here. Although the fresh juice tastes better than any “Orange” orange I have ever had!

Pineapple is bought in bulk in this family! It is soooooo good here! LIke we eat pineapple every day, all day kind of good.

Absolutely love the “tomates”!!! They are always firm and make the best salsa. Although the word salsa her means any kind of sauce, like Ketchup. So if you want salsa like we know salsa to be, you have to ask for Pico.

Costa Rica has two seasons, the rainy season (beginning of May to end of November, with the rainiest months being Sept-first part of November), and non-rainy season (December through April.) So we are in the rainy season, but right now it is usually beautiful and sunny in the morning, with clouds rolling in and dotting the sky with just the right amount of shade. You can see the rain clouds coming in the late afternoon and it comes quickly, dumps hard and fast and then usually clears up again.

Sometimes you get caught in the rain while at the pool! As you can see, that really doesn’t stop Kenn from enjoying her time there. Hopefully you can tell from this rooftop picture just how fast and furious the rain falls here. But don’t worry…. After the rain, comes the rainbow.

homemade tortillas

Kenn made pretzel bites

strawberry crumble

Rainy afternoons call for a little baking! I would say that I am pretty good in the kitchen, but this baking at sea level has really tested my skills! A little extra salt and sugar…slightly different oven temp… some creative substitutes (I can not find some common ingredients here!), and some mouths to eat the final product. (No problem with this one… I love having Marshall around! He eats all the leftovers and literally whatever comes out of the oven.)

Sunny afternoons call for pool-side Spanish lessons from our Maestro (teacher) Marshall. He is very patient and explains things very well. Travis, Micah, and Kenn are killing it in their Spanish 301 class!!! Conjugating verbs in present, past, … something about perfect, imperfect, predicate, irregular and a bunch of other terms that I am not quite sure about. Nevertheless, I try to absorb a little every time and Marshall is sweet so always give me the easy questions and praises me when I get it right! I do wish that I was better at it, but I told myself from the beginning that I wasn’t going to stress about the language and make it a road block in my life. I feel like I have a lot of changes in right now and I am focusing on absorbing them all and being ok with all the feels that come with them. But I am super proud of my little pool-side class of Spanish speakers.

I know- another sunset picture, sorry, not sorry.
SHE is my WHY!
Yes, Spanish class went overtime that night because of the beautiful sunset.

Latest picture from Kymble. We got to log on to the zoom baptism for Angel! Being able to see your child in action on the mission is one of the greatest results of the pandemic. It makes his mission seem so real for us and I love to see his face, hear his voice, and witness these big smiles of happiness. Brings so much joy to a mission mom! The hand sign they are doing in the picture is common in Chile. It means BAPTISM as you take your thumbs up and then “dunk” them into the waters. It’s so cute, but I’m not sure Kymble will ever be able to take a picture now without it! HaHa!! P.S. – do we love his shoes or what!? I secretly hopes he brings me home a pair!

Meanwhile, back in the USA, Tanner had a BIRTHDAY! Yes, this good-looking guy turned 24! We missed celebrating with him, but recruited the next best thing…COUSINS!!! Dinner at Red Robin with 6 cousins for the win. We sure love and miss Tanner, but are so proud of all that he is doing, his incredible talents, and his amazing heart. He will be out to visit us in a few short weeks and we couldn’t be more excited.

Honestly, Travis and I haven’t had a date night since we arrived in CR, so we thought it was about time! We went to dinner at a restaurant in Surf Side called Hemmingways. The food was great, drinks were amazing, and the of coarse, watching dinner at sunset was beautiful. I am starting to think that I should have named the blog PURAVIDASUNSET !!! I know you might get sick of me posting them, but I don’t! They are a source of peace and calm in my life right now and just maybe it is God’s way of saying, “everything is going to be alright , Alicia, trust me

Our view at dinner was pretty great! After dinner we hiked to Dantita Beach, and Travis built a fire as we watched crabs crawl up on shore, and took in the view of the neighboring village. It turned out to be a pretty great date night… one that will be hard to beat!

Saturday, we drove inland to visit the Catarata (waterfall) la Caterdral (Cathedral)… the Cathedral Waterfall. It was amazing! On the way there we drove through fields with beautiful shades of green, cows, a volcano (Rincon de la Vieja) and huge windmills. As we got closer, the roads got smaller and after getting lost for about 30 minutes, we finally found the entrance. You have to walk through this sweet family’s farm to get to the waterfall, so they offer a guide to take you there and show you around. (I guess we actually paid for the guide :)We loved walking through their acres and acres of orange trees, sugar cane, bananas, lemons, and limes. The falls were raging, so we were not able to get into the Blue River, (Rio Azul) and actually hike up into the waterfall. (Darn rainy season!) But it was still beautiful and really fun to see.

This gives you a better feel as to why they call it the cathedral. During the non rainy season you can climb up into the pool where the falls first dumps into and look up into the beautiful walls straight up to the sky!
This is the falls looking down. The water was running fast and furious. Marshall was able to fly his drone into the falls and captured a great image.
Family Falls Pic!
This is as far as they let you climb right now. The rocks are slippery and steep
The shades of green were just so vibrant.
Go bananas
The orchard was stunning! Family Pictures… am I right!
Thousands of oranges!!!
The leaves are just pasted onto the branches!
sugar cane
Did you know pineapple grows on a bush?
Their farm…complete with horses, chickens, dogs, and turkeys.
I don’t know if you can tell from the photo, but it rained off and on throughout the day, always comes in fast, but luckily came and went and didn’t slow us down!