July 18-24

We found a little “group” here in Huaca, a little town close to where we are staying in Potrero. What is a group? Because of Covid, CR has put some restrictions on the locals. They are only allowed to drive on certain days according to your license plate. This of coarse has affected the members of the church in being able to drive to church. (Which I think normally, they drive almost an hour inland) These little groups were started along these coastal towns so the members could still meet, hopefully walk to church or be close enough to attend. There is a group leader that conducts as well as missionaries in the area that help to facilitate the meeting. (They only have one hour Sacrament Service at the moment.) We are thrilled to be a part of this little group and excited to help in any way we can. We met another crazy family from Utah that moved out here to live for a while, a missionary that knows Kymble, from Farmington, and learned about a baptism happening next Sunday! Kymble would be so proud!
Marshall flying the drone along the beach
So many little critters in the tide pools.
It was like a ocean side fish tank.
If the shells were perfect, there was something living inside them.
Lobster anyone! Catching a lobster is on Marshalls bucket list while he is here in CR.
Met a local fisherman with a net full of fresh seafood. Honestly, I don’t think I have ever had octopus…this picture makes me realize why!!!
Don’t know what kind of fish this is but he was such a pretty color of blue. He almost looked fake!!! Except that his whole bag was still sort of moving around. The fisherman said that this was his job. Fish in the day, then sell to restaurants and markets for the dinner menu that night and then start all over.
Sunsets never get old here. (Playa Flamingo)

Little restaurant on the way to Flamingo Beach. Loving all the art work and pure beachy vibe!

Went back to Tamarindo Beach with Micah and Marshall. Lots of surfers and families. Lots of party goers and music everywhere! It’s a fun place to visit, with great food and tons of shops. But we decided that we like our little quiet beach better. The great thing about CR though is there are so many beaches just 15-45 min away, and each one is different and has its own unique beauty and fun to offer. Marshall flew his drone around and got some great shots of what the city looks like from up above.

Found this street food corner shop for dinner called Geckos! Amazing tacos and wraps and burgers!
Fountain drinks are not a thing here. No Swig, no Fizz, no Maverick…we did find one at McDonalds, although they come with a “coffee” type lid to sip your soda…no straws!
They offer so many different kind of fresh juices here. Lemonade with basil, a sweet root called tamarindo, watermelon is the kids favorite, and of coarse orange, pineapple, passionfruit, and mango.
I have learned that some time to really think and ponder and reflect on your life is very healthy and easy to forget in our busy lives. Where do you go for some “me time” ??? This is my new fav spot!
Want your food delivered? Not a problem here in CR. Food goes in an insulated backpack and of strapped to the delivery guy on a motorcycle!