August 15-21

New house, new beach to explore! We are living in a beach town called Playa Hermosa. It is beautiful. It is a short 5 minute walk down the hill to a 4 mile beach known for it’s great surf. To the right was a fun rocky area, perfect for exploring and makes for some amazing pictures. The dark rock and the white waves and blue sky is a combo I will never get sick of! To the left is miles of dark soft sand and a just such a pretty coast line. We are excited to get to know this part of Costa RIca. Now if we can just get Kymble here to join us! We are having some trouble with Chile approving his papers to leave the country. He will not be coming home on his scheduled day but we are determined to get him home this week so we have some time with Tanner while he is here. So stay tuned for his homecoming because it is going to be a grand one!

I’m constantly amazed at Mother Nature and her beauty. Especially with water and sand…so many incredible designs and intricate patterns, smooth lines and fun places to explore.

Love my girls!

Just some boys and their board! Love seeing them spend time together.

Bienvenido a casa Elder Johnson! He made it! Papers finally approved and a red eye flight brought our missionary home from Santiago, Chile. Kymble has had quite the mission, as all covid missionaries have. He was called to Chile, served there for 8 1/2 months, came home for 5 weeks, was reassigned to Arcadia, California for 9 months, and then back to Chile for the rest. 4 mission Presidents, (one that he never met in person, as he has not been able to get into the country yet due to Covid.) lots of companions, amazing conversion stories, and friends and memories to last a lifetime. Even though he was in quarantine for many months, he loved all the parts of his mission, was able to speak Spanish the entire time, and we can’t wait to hear all his stories and be together as a family.

WARNING: ****picture overload****

Can’t forget a few homecoming preparations. He will have a small welcoming committee compared to the usual “Pitt Family Fashion”, but a few posters, balloons, a banner and his immediate family will have to do!

Is that Kymble…in a sweater!?
Missionary Mom hugs are the BEST!!!
Hey Papa!

Little sis/bff
Big bro!!!
This is better than Christmas!
Sweater compliments to all the Peruvians Kymble taught.
I love how they leave with their bags stuffed and return with books, souvenirs, and food!
Stopped at big fruit market on the way home.
And since he landed at 8am, we went out for a typical CR breakfast!

Marshall works virtually and wasn’t able to get the morning off to go to the airport, but he was there to welcome his brother home and decorated the balcony while we were gone. And a big shout out to Micah for taking all the pics at the airport! Kymble said that Micah is a perfect addition to the family. He wasn’t there for the wedding, but luckily Micah was a friend, neighbor, and wardy, so it was hugs all around! (Thank heavens for weekly calls with missionaries. I think it makes the transition home easier, and family relationships stronger. One of the best missionary changes ever!!!) So grateful for the mission home/office that helped so much to get Kymble home. For all those that offered up an extra prayer to help the process, muchas gracias! Feeling blessed to have all my children under one roof. It’s a dream come true. These children constantly amaze me, teach me, and help me understand God’s plan of happiness. They are my WHY, they are my joy. They are all big, but I love it!!!

Johnson Family Picture, August 17, 2021

Kymble wasted no time and insisted on another waterfall expedition! We hiked through muddy trails, saw beautiful colors and new plant life that silly as it may seem, was just fascinating! Truly, these little hidden wonders of nature bring me so much joy. I have always thought that maybe we helped just a little when it came to the creation. Did we get to say, “hey! can we have daisies on earth? (favorite flower)… and God said, “ya, that’s a great idea,” and then earth feels a little closer to heaven when we connect with the things that bring us joy and seem so familiar.

Why is it that when brothers get together, it’s just one dare devil move after another. “I dare you to climb up to that hole!” “I dare you to jump off the top of the waterfall!” And the whole time I am thinking, “I had my family back for one day and that was it!” You would think I would be used to it by now, but it doesn’t matter how big they get, how small the cliff, how steep the hillside, I still do the mom freak out thing and usually just close my eyes and yell, “If they all die, it’s your fault, Travis.” (because he is the first one to do it!)

How cute are these mushrooms? Which one of you asked if these could be created?

This waterfall had 4 different levels. Each one deep enough in the middle to jump into.

Of coarse we had to show Kymble in real life how beautiful the sunsets are here in CR. We drove up to a look out point and saw a great view of Jaco.

Then we just sat and watched as the sky turned from a pale peach, to a radiant red. LOVE!!!

Micah’s first time surfing and she killed it!
Don’t mind me, fresh off the mish and ready to surf!
Tanner is good at almost everything he tries!
Kenn’s second lesson and she’s going pro!